Insights from Dr. Kim: What’s Your Goliath? | Part 2

Insights from Dr. Kim_ What’s Your Goliath_ _  Part 2.png

If you missed last week’s Insights, take a minute to read it and then come back to read this one.

Last week we left a young David in the Israelite camp as the giant Goliath and his Philistine army were ready to destroy God’s people. I asked you to spend some time this past week with God defining your Goliath. First, let’s see what David did with his.  

My interpretation goes something like this. David said to those in the camp, “What’s the big deal? I will fight this giant.” David’s words were quickly repeated to King Saul, who immediately sent for David. Saul looked at David and said, “You can’t fight him. You are just a kid.” David then gave Saul his resume: “I have tended my father’s sheep. To protect those sheep, I have fought off and killed lions and bears.” Not a bad track record. So Saul agrees and in an effort to help protect David, weighs him down with his own armor, which of course, does not fit. Instead David gathers five smooth stones and his slingshot. 

Now let’s set the stage. Picture a boxing ring. Goliath is in his corner and David in his. Waiting for the bell to ring, they engage in a little smack talk. Goliath says, “Come to me and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.” Then David comes back with, “You come to me with a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied. This day the Lord will give you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword or spear.  For the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hand.” 

David first wins the smack talk, then takes a smooth stone from his pouch, loads it into the slingshot, and hurls it at Goliath, who is hit in the forehead, falls and dies. Victory God!

So, what’s your Goliath? What keeps you from living the life God has for you? It could be addiction, fear, anxiety, porn, or low self esteem. Our answers to the question may vary, but the remedy is always the same. It’s God. He is the One that has been there in the past. He was there when you fought the “lions and  bears” in your past. He did not let you down then and He will not let you down now. He will be there as you defeat Goliath. Just like David, you are His favorite and the victory is right in front of you. Take out your smooth stone. Secure it in your slingshot. Hurl it at your Goliath and then walk over his body into the life of freedom that God has designed especially for you.

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