Marriage Struggles and Jesus

This month our focus at Awesome Marriage is “Struggles in Marriage.” For most of us, the realization that marriage in “reality” does not match the “fantasy” of the movies comes fairly soon after the honeymoon. If a couple were to tell me they never have struggles in their marriage, I would think one of two things: They are not being honest with me, or they are just existing together in the same house. Life is about struggles. Marriage is about struggles. Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). You will experience struggles in your marriage, and Jesus will be there to help you in those times.

In our marriage, Nancy and I have experienced plenty of struggles together. We have dealt with financial issues, sickness, cancer, a heart attack, disappointments, spiritual attacks, and more, but through every struggle Jesus showed up. That is the good news. You (plural—husband and wife) are not alone. At times you may feel like you are alone, but He promises that you are not. My guess is that if you are reading this, you have just come through a struggle or are going through one now or will go through one in the future. Don’t let any of that scare you. Struggles are part of the reality of living in this world. But your struggles can actually grow you closer to your spouse and to God. Your struggles can show you that your spouse is a real blessing in your life. When you and your spouse face struggles in your marriage and grab the hand of Jesus, the two of you are linked hand in hand with the One who overcame the world. Are you struggling? He’s got you covered!