Insights from Dr. Kim: Do You Ever Unplug?

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Do you ever unplug? I mean do you ever have a day where you do not connect in any way with the outside world. A day without Facebook or Instagram. A day without email or texts. Some of you are thinking, “why would I do that?” Others are thinking, “I would love to do that but could I?”  My take is that at times, I need a break. It also seems to be God’s take. Remember that after creating everything, He rested.

My day is probably a lot like yours. It is busy. Awesome Marriage is a ministry that uses technology as our platform. I am immersed in it every day from social media to videos, podcasts, emails, apps, text messages and on and on. To unplug, I have to step away from all of this. On the surface it seems pretty easy to do but in reality it can be very difficult. It is a work in progress for me.

I picked Sunday as my unplug day. It can actually be any day of the week. Sunday just fits me the best. My goal on Sunday is to do the opposite of what I do every other day of the week - which means I step away from technology. It is to give myself a needed break. It is to have time to rest. For me, it is my mind more than my body, although a nap is really nice. Here are the kinds of things that I want on my calendar on my unplug day:

  • Quality time with Nancy

  • Quality time with family

  • Uninterrupted time with God

  • Extra sleep

  • Hobbies that I enjoy

  • Activities that are fun

Now, I don’t do all of these every Sunday but these are the options that I choose from.  

This is still a work in progress for me. I am retraining my brain! I can find myself sitting at my desk or scrolling through social media without even thinking about it. I’m getting better at catching myself but not quite there yet. This is what I have discovered. When I unplug on Sunday, I am much better on Monday. As always, God is right! I need that day of rest.  

What about you? If I challenged you to give yourself an unplug day, would you do it? What if you did it every week for one month? Would you do that? Consider yourself challenged! Also, share your results with us. We might even get a movement started!

Don’t miss out on Dr. Kim’s newest book! You may order "14 Keys to Lasting Love" here!