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Generosity: the quality of being kind and generous. I like that definition. I think generosity can be a lifestyle and an awesome thing for a marriage. 

If we were to put the template of generosity over a marriage, what would we see? This is where the word “kind” jumps out at me. Kind in the way we speak to our spouse. Kind in our actions toward our spouse. Kind in our behaviors with our spouse. It’s looking at our spouse as a gift from God and thanking God every day for that gift by being kind. 

Then let’s look at “generous.” Generous is in the quality time we give our spouse. It is taking opportunities that are right in front of us every day, not letting them pass by. It’s delighting in your spouse and looking for ways to surprise them to keep marriage exciting. It is doing all of these with joy. 

It’s the same with the principle of generosity in our finances. When we give, is it because we feel we have to? Is it an obligation? Do we give with a little bit of resentment? If so, it is still giving but it is not generosity. Giving becomes generosity when we give because we want to. It is never out of obligation and there is never resentment attached to it. 

The same is true of showing generosity to our spouse. If it is a “have to” or an obligation, it is not generosity. If it is because we want to and are always looking for ways to be kind and generous to our spouse, that is true generosity and both of you reap the benefits.

Overtime With Nancy:

Nancy: For me it’s listening. Time. Serving. Trying to figure out what I can do for you to make your life better on a given day. 

Kim: For me it’s the actions. It's also the attitude of being kind toward you, taking the time to hear you and doing things that make you feel valued. I think that’s part of being generous toward you. I think when I do things out of obligation it’s different than being generous. Generosity just flows out of my heart. 

Nancy: Absolutely. Generosity is not “having to,” it’s wanting to. 

For You:

  • How do you show generosity to each other? 

  • What are some ways you can be kind to each other? 

  • What does being generous to each other look like in your marriage?