Sex in Marriage: Men - Day 1


What does a man really want in a sexual relationship in marriage? Okay, most of you think you know the answer to this question.  You think it is so obvious.  It is even the one thing the movies, magazines, and TV shows tell us that is on target.  Men want SEX.

Yet, what the movies, magazines, and TV shows do not tell us is why.  Why do men want sex?  Obviously one answer is that we are visual, attracted to our wives, and want to have sex with them but behind these reasons in the real question of what satisfies a man?

A man’s greatest satisfaction in the sexual relationship in marriage is knowing that he can bring pleasure to his wife and that she truly wants to be with him sexually.  Those facts are huge and I have confirmed these with man after man.  As men, our fulfillment in the sexual relationship depends on our wives.  Not just her body but her fulfillment in being with us sexually.  It affirms our masculinity and adds a dimension to sex that is invaluable.

I have had many women tell me that when they were able to accept this fact it totally changed their attitude toward their husband in the sexual relationship.  If this is new information to you, please embrace it.  It will change your sexual relationship.

Dr. Kim