Insights from Dr. Kim: Launch Week for 14 Keys to Lasting Love

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My new book 14 Keys to Lasting Love launched on Tuesday. As an author, “launch day” is special. In one sense, it is the end of a journey. It was about eighteen months ago when we asked 200 couples to fill out a questionnaire on marriage. We wanted to know what issues that they were dealing with. We wanted to know if there were new challenges in their marriages.  We wanted to know how marriage itself was doing in this challenging culture. The results were amazing. Sure we had the traditional issues of money, conflict, and communication, but even these had a 21st-century spin.

Some of the issues that people referenced included the following:

  • How can we stay on track with each other with our hectic, busy lives?

  • How do we raise our kids the way we want to raise them without putting our marriage on hold?

  • How important is taking care of our health?

  • How do we deal with addictions including porn, social media, and video games?

  • What does it mean to have my spouse be my best friend and how can we do that?

  • How often should we have sex?

  • What is the difference between intimacy and sex? Is there a difference?

  • How do we battle the baggage we brought into our marriage from our family of origin?

  • Where does the internet fit in my marriage?

14 Keys is about people and their stories. It is about those who fought hard and won and those that are still fighting. It is practical and hope-filled. It will truly help you have the marriage that you always wanted!

You may order 14 Keys to Lasting Love right now by clicking here!