Habits of Healthy Couples: HABIT 3- Laughter

Nancy and I laugh a lot. Even in our toughest times there was still some laughter. It was a huge help because it was an important part of that friendship between the two of us that neither of us ever wanted to lose. We have gotten much better over the years at laughing at ourselves, which gives us many more opportunities to laugh.

What about you? How would you rate the laughter in your marriage? What do you laugh about together? We love to find funny videos online. Some evenings we will get in bed and one of us will find one in our social media feed. We share it with each other and that can start a really fun time of discovering other videos to laugh at together.  Don’t you love that feeling when you have laughed so hard together that your sides hurt? It almost exhausts you but the feeling is so good.

There are also funny things that happen everyday in our lives. We just have to look for them and then share them with each other. If laughing to improve your marriage is not enough, look at these seven benefits of laughter from a study done at  Loma Linda University by Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan:

  1. Lowers blood pressure.

  2. Reduces stress hormone levels.

  3. Works your abs.

  4. Improves cardiac health.

  5. Boosts T-cells.

  6. Triggers the release of endorphins.

  7. Produces a general sense of well-being.

There are so many good reasons to make laughing with your spouse a habit in your marriage. What can you laugh about together today?