3 Positions of an Awesome Marriage: Part 3 - Belly to Belly

3 Positions of an Awesome Marriage_ Part 3 - Belly to Belly.png

For the last two weeks we have looked at two of the three positions in an Awesome Marriage.  Week one was “back to back.” Week two was “side by side.” As we wrap up this series let’s talk about “belly to belly.”

We talk about sex a lot at Awesome Marriage. Someone recently asked me if sex is all that we talk about. It’s not. We actually try to address all kinds of things to help people have the marriage that God designed just for them. Yet, if the word “sex” is in the title of a blog, podcast, One Thing email, or video, we get a lot of people clicking to see what we are saying!  

“Belly to belly” is about the sexual relationship in marriage. I put it as the third position of an Awesome Marriage because I think when the other two are done well, the sex will almost take care of itself. Let me explain. In “back to back,” we talked about how it can build security, safety, and intimacy. In “side by side,” we talked about living peacefully year after year in your marriage. Think about it. When is sex in your marriage the best? Most of the couples I talk to say it is best when they feel safe and secure with each other and there is an absence of conflict.  It’s the “24/7 foreplay” that I talk about in 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage. When the other twenty-three hours of the day in a couple’s life are connected, the time for sex can be amazing.

So “belly to belly” is like the icing on the cake.  It is this amazing gift that God gives us in marriage. Our bodies were designed to fit perfectly together.  It did not just happen. “Belly to belly” is the third position of an Awesome Marriage and part of God’s plan. Embrace it as the special gift that it is!

Don’t miss out on Dr. Kim’s newest book! Click to order 14 Keys to Lasting Love, and Dr. Kim’s bestseller 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage!